Monday, November 28, 2011

My Papa

I grew up thinking my Papa was a big scary grandpa. As I've gotten older I think he's gotten mushier. He gives the greatest hugs in the world...sometimes I'm pretty sure he is going to break me. 
He tells the same story from when I was probably 5 years old over and over. The cool thing is that it brings a smile to his face EVERY single time he tells it. He also calls me it's one name. His whole side of the family does actually. 
The day I went to visit I lucked out and my Aunt Souix, Aunt Diane, and cousins were there. All of whom call me LindseyMarie. I like it. 
My papa is just a big goofy kid. Betty, his wife seems to be amused by it. Mostly. 
He showed off his award winning stage coach he built with his own two hands. I was quite impressed. 
He's pretty proud of it. Can you tell? He's also very handsome.
This painting is in his living room and has been since my mom passed away ten years ago. This is a painting of her from 1978...she was 18 years old. I just love it. The colors. The frame. Her eyes. Her lips. It just is breathtaking. I love it. I miss her. I'm glad the painting is right where everyone can see it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Tradition

Every year the weekend after Thanksgiving I take my nieces to the Orange Circle to see the beginning of the Christmas lights. I also treat them to whatever they want at Starbucks. I try to whisper to the barista to make it decaf. I really appreciate it when they hear me. This year their friend Henry from across the street came also. He might as well be my nephew. I've known him my entire life. Parents (theirs or mine) are not allowed to come. It is strictly Auntie Lindsey time. I treasure this night. A ton.
 Trying to be cool. Gangsta? They're way too cute for that look.

 The center of the Orange Circle
 Inside the Christmas tree. It was too cute for me to ask them to get out. I'm pretty sure they weren't suppossed to be in there though. If you can't be a little crazy with your aunt then who can you be crazy with?
 My precious not-so-little Mackenzie
 Little Miss Ned
 Mr. Henry
Silly. Life has to have some silly in it.
 Hello Mr. Snowman

Here are some photos from the first time I took Mackenzie in 2005. She was four years old. Oh just look at her cute little face. This was also the first scarf she ever borrowed from me. There have been many more in the last six years.

 She was my first true love. Seriously.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Crystal Cove. Newport Beach.

 So, as I was home for Thanksgiving weekend I ended up having a meltdown. I'm not positive what it was entirely about, but I do know the tears came as I was playing Monopoly with my nieces. It hit me out of nowhere. Usually, my first instinct would be to stop them. To hold it in. To ignore it. To be stronger than the tears. This time I did something different. I just let it happen. And guess what? It passed. It took an entire day, but it did pass. I was praying in the middle of this crying extravaganza for what to do. I didn't want to just sit and cry. Life had to continue. That's when Jordan called with a miraculous idea. Literally. Crystal Cove. It was exactly what I needed. Beach. Tide pools. Discovering a place I'd never been. I found peace. I was still crying, but I was at peace staring out into the ocean with my toes in the wet sand surrounded by sea anemone.
 I don't think Jordan has any idea how changing...his idea was. I'm sure he doesn't care to know either. He isn't looking for kudos. It's refreshing. Thank you Jordan for providing me with exactly what I needed in that moment.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sweet Potato Gratin

My contribution to our Thanksgiving meal was Sweet Potato Gratin. 

Our family tends to leave the sweet potatoes alone on thanksgiving. Something I DO NOT understand. I love them all the time. With sugar & syrup & candied nuts & marshmallows. I also just like them plain. This year I decided to go with something subtle. To let the sweet potatoes speak for themselves. The turn out was awesome. An empty pan. What more could I ask for?
 Thanks for the help Aunt Kristie!!! Including real whipping cream. That stuff is expensive on Thanksgiving. I think they jack up the prices on purpose.

 The ingredients: sweet potatoes, whipping cream, salt, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, & pepper. That's it.
 Layer with cream (with all the spices except salt & pepper) then potatoes then sprinkle with salt & pepper. Repeat until everything is gone.

Our pan barely fit in the was a close one.

Thanksgiving 2011

OK. So, it has been quite awhile since I've blogged. Like months. A lot of them. But since I am going CRAZY after 4 days of being snowed in I thought I'd take a crack at it. Forgive the so-last-year posts.

Thanksgiving 2011
Thanksgiving is the only holiday I have never missed since I moved up to Seattle. Most of the time I have the ability to make it more than a weekend trip, but I have done the 3 day trip in order to be apart of this holiday my family makes wonderful. I don't like turkey enough to make me look forward to this holiday or even pumpkin pie. I like that we come together to make a meal for everyone we love. I like that we put our differences aside and push the kids on the swings. I like that we try our hardest to be thankful for each other. I like that we take Thanksgiving into all hours of the night with a bon fire. I like that our family consists of family and friends and friends of friends. I like that I know I can invite anyone who needs a place to go. 

This year was my first time waking up with my mom and aunt to get stuff started. 5am. In the past I took any opportunity to sleep in, but this year I guess I grew up. I was up and happy to be up. I actually got told I had a bit too much energy. I was just excited to be apart of the process. An art I have lost sight of while being cooped up in my apartment for the past 4 days. 

 Peeling a ton of pounds of potatoes at 5am definitely requires coffee & help from a lifelong friend. Kourosh & I have been friends since elementary school & finally got to see each other after almost 3 years. A big part of what I was thankful for.
Aunt Kristie cutting up our beautiful work. 
 Preparing the tent. Who would have thought zip ties were so difficult to figure out?
 The tables
Kourosh desperately wanted the tables to be zig-zag, but seriously it didn't work. 
Seating 50+ people is tricky & requires straight tables.
Taking a moment for fun.
 My lovely niece Kennedy counting plates in her "thanksgivingish shirt". No paper plates, napkins, or plastic forks for us.
Sisters working together. AWW.
 My mom & the first turkey. Yes, we have multiple.
 Carving them all.
 The family pretending we love each other. 
Thanks Joe for the help with the group photo.
The epic annual bon fire.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Melissa's Everything Tiny Birthday Party

My roommate, Melissa loves all things tiny. If she likes anything, she will like it even better if it's tiny. For instance, she would much rather have broccolini over broccoli. Because of this, we decided to throw an "everything tiny" party for her. It was only a TINY way for us to show how much she means to all of us. She may not know this, but she has been one of the greatest influences on my life in the past two years. Knowing her has changed my life. For the better. Melissa, I love you and appreciate you. You do great things in the world everyday. 

Not many pictures turned out, but we got a few. 
 Blowing out her tiny carrot cake cupcakes.
 I scored this liquor decanter set at a retirement home thrift store. We made it a tiny wine decanter set.
 Whitney & I attempted bunting for the first time. It is the cutest, but I am still not sure why it is called bunting. You just cut triangles out of fabric and hang them to make a banner.
 Tiny shots
 Jon enjoying broccolini...or maybe just eating it.
Melissa enjoying a tiny shot and glass of water in a tiny glass.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

No Heat Curls

No heat curls from The Paper Mama Blog.
This was very fun & it worked! 
I love it! 
 I only wore the headband for 4 hours & the curls lasted through the night & looked good (but looser) the next day. A definite winner!

Pike Place

Pike Place Market it one of my favorite places in the entire world. I could go everyday. I have always wanted to buy lots of produce from the market & make a meal the same day. Talk about a fresh meal. Well, it finally happened. 


Veggie alfredo with garlic bread & homemade pear pie
 Tri-colored carrots, zuchinni, purple asparagus, & homemade noodles
 Melissa & Whitney cooking
 Elephant garlic...oh so good!!!! We ate so much it was lethal.
 Pear pie. GOODNESS!