Monday, May 7, 2012

A Junior Prom

My days in Washington are limited, and I feel them rushing by. Solution: my answer to everything is YES! Or I just invite myself places. Example? Gabby's before junior prom photos. I have been Gabby & her sister Giselle's nanny for six years. I am not so much their nanny anymore...more like tutor & mentor meets family manager. Anyway, I couldn't miss this opportunity. No way.

It was a beautiful sunny Seattle day perfect for meeting down by the water. Her group had something like 56 kids in it. Add the parents of 56ish kids and you have a circus traipsing through the mud (it was sunny but still wet) flash happy. It was the kind of chaos you don't want to run from. Just a bunch of people trying to capture the moment...standing back and thinking about how fast their kid grew up. The entire experience was beautiful. I loved every moment. Even ruining my shoes.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dear Little Miss

My prego sister-in-law texted me yesterday after her doctor's appointment to tell me that if Little Miss doesn't make an appearance by the 15th she will be induced. That means Little Miss will be here in no more than 2 weeks! Part of me wishes she would just stay in her mommy's belly until August 1st when I will be moved home and can experience the birth and hold her when she is only minutes old. Obviously, I have never been pregnant myself, or I would never propose something so crazy.

As Little Miss's auntie, I will do my part...well what I can from 2 states away. I will pray for love and peace and a healthy labor. I will pray for my brother and his wife as they embark on this amazing adventure of becoming parents for the first time ever.

Here is a picture of Little Miss...she was helping her mom and auntie bake for Easter brunch. 

You might be wondering why I'm calling her little miss. Well, her name was Ava Rae, but right after I sent out the baby shower invitations (with her name on them) it changed to Adlee Rae. People have lots of opinions on this matter. I do not. Her name could be Cup and I would love her just the same. So, until her name is official I am calling her Little miss. 

Dear Little Miss, 

I cannot wait to meet you, and hold you, and kiss you, and take you on adventures. Mostly, I'm looking forward to reading with you, and imagining with you, and jumping in rain puddles with you.

Auntie Lindsey