Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve at the Santa Anita Races

My first trip to the horse races was the day after my college graduation. 
I found a comfortable couch and fell asleep. 
It is safe to say that this trip to the races was my actual first time. 
I wasn't too keen on going until my mom convinced me by telling me she just picks horses by their names. It sounded very Gilmore Girls to me. I was in.
 The building is beyond gorgeous!
 The perfect California day in December.
 Cruella Deville's cousin?

 The parentals.
 Me & Jordan
Jordan played rationally...I just looked at the names. We made a good team. 

I had a lot of fun, but it is safe to say that my brother had the most. 
He won $800 on a long shot. 
He treated the whole family to dinner. 
It was the first year we all rung in the new year as adults together. 
Quite a wonderful day & evening.

Next time I go to the races (and there will be a next time) I am dressing up. Big hat and all.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

An Auntie Date

My niece Mackenzie is TEN YEARS OLD! I cannot believe it most days. 
She is very beautiful and grown up and funny. 
I am so very thankful to be able to be in her life. 
I look at my mom's relationship with all of her nieces and they are so special. 
Even as adults they just stop by to say hi and spend time with her. 
My relationships with my nieces are the most precious ones in my life. 
I felt it was time to take my oldest one out on a date. Have some girl talk. 
Open up the opportunity for conversation.
Let her know she is loved and has a listening ear if she ever needs it.
She said, "well this is the only date I'm going on until I'm thirty!"
That's my brother's (her dad) influence all the way. 
Let's be serious, I'm not against it. 

We went to the Huntington Beach pier. 
 We drank Shirley Temples & played the juke box to our hearts content at the Johnny Rockets counter. 
Too much sugar? I think so.

 Then we ate gelato. She had never had gelato...only frozen yogurt. 
I had to convince her it was different.

 Note the matching friendship braclettes.
Mackenzie, I love you to the moon & back.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I'm a Surprise & Christmas Eve

My brother flew me home for Christmas to surprise my parents and nieces.
I had to make up a story about going to Whistler for Christmas to throw them off the track.
After 13 hours of travel I was finally at my parent's house. The house I did my growing up in.
Actually I was laying in my brothers truck using my nieces booster seat as a pillow trying my hardest to stay awake and not pee my pants while I waited for my mom and dad to make an appearance.
Let's just say I eventually took care of my personal issues AND surprised my parents.
Christmas Eve was a hoot.
Here are the highlights.
(My mom had to work. That's why she is nowhere to be seen)
 We made oatmeal cookies, snickerdoodles, shortbread, and sugar cookies ALL day.
We also frosted them. That's my dad with frosting on his nose.
He's the biggest goofball in the house.
 Mackenzie & Kennedy. The next biggest goofballs.
Our fancy lace tablecloth with all of our beautiful & perfectly round cookies.
 Our juice experiment. Veggie juice got a thumbs down. Fruit however was loved.
My hairs' feelings got hurt from being teased so much.
I was appalled.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Botanical Garden of D'Lights

This winter was full of firsts for me: Christmas tree farm, Christmas crafts, Snowflake Lane, and the Botanical Garden of D'Lights. It was a very magical winter to say the least.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Snowflake Lane

Pretty much this magical show of lights, dancing, drumming, and snow is like Disneyland on steroids...condensed onto one city block. If you like your personal space this is not the place for you. But if you like free candy then it is exactly your kind of place.
 There is not an empty spot anywhere. There is actually negative space.
 Some crazy drummer boy on stilts.
 Whit & Quinn
 A dancing snowflake. You know you're jealous.
People I don't know posing with a polar bear I don't know.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Timeless Tradition

Who says you ever get too old to make gingerbread houses? 
Gabby & Gelle took a nice break from their busy schedules 
to get their hands in gluing frosting and sprinkles. 
There was a lot of laughter. 
That's all I can ask for. 
When I'm a mom I hope I feel the same way. 
The mess was big, but the fun was bigger. 
They were keeping score. 
Fun won.
Hands down.

They were boxed kits, but we pimped them out with extra sprinkles and candy. 
 And for dinner a turkey pot pie...
I just wanted to show off my first lattice crust. 
Thanks for caring.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Decorating Downtown Kirkland

Every year a group of us get together to help Kirkland decorate for Christmas. It has been awesome experiencing the great community feel. A ton of people come out on a freezing cold morning to wrap lights and hang garland. Local restaurants also donate food and coffee. I seriously had a moment this year where I thought I was going to go home with one less finger. Worth it! Thankfully all my fingers are in's a good thing. I am going to need them all for next year.

Unfortunately we didn't take a group photo this year, but here is lasts years just for your enjoyment.

A Winter Wonderland IN the Apartment

To just cut to the chase, I'm here to show you how wintery and wonderlandy our wonderful apartment was for Christmas. Here it is...
 The Fireplace.
 Our tall Charlie Brown tree. I have always wanted a Charlie Brown tree...
thank you Christmas tree farm!
 The overall feel. I wish I had better photos. iPhone, you aren't always that smart.
 Fabric ornaments. So easy. You just cut squares of fabric, wrap it around the head of a pencil, dab it with a dot of hot glue, and shove into a styrofoam ball. That's it.
 Beaded ornament. Just hot glue a ton of beads of your choice to a styrofoam ball.
 I tried going out the box on this one. I MIXED fabric & beads. Watch out!

 Homemade felt garland. This was a bit more intricate but easy enough. 
Ruched tree skirt made from a round table cloth. Easy peasy. You just need an embroidery needle, thread, a table cloth, and scissors. 
 Making tissue paper Christmas trees with the girls. Can you say "spray glitter"!?
You get whatever kind of tree base you want and hot glue tissue paper on it in whatever way you want. A couple of us opted for tissue paper rosettes.
 Finished products & smiling faces.
I think I am going to add pearls to my tree for next year.