Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kind Campaign » Documentary

A common conversation in my bathroom (one I share with my two lady roommates) is how we get dolled up for other girls. We spend hours on our hair, makeup, and outfit picking. Then we go out into the world to be judged by other girls, and I absolutely find myself doing the same. This is all at 25 years old. Way past junior high. It is just not necessary or acceptable. I find myself criticizing without knowing it. IF I catch myself in mid-critique I am baffled at why I am thinking any negative thoughts about that particular person. I do it subconsciously. How is this changed??? I don't know, but there are people out there trying to.

The other day Gabby and Gelle (the high school girls I "nanny") told me about how the Kind Campaign came to their school. They were very impressed...mostly because they had an assembly that kept their attention. I watched the trailer for the documentary. I am very impressed! The two girls who started the campaign aren't doing anything extravagant. They are just simply asking girls to be kind to one another. To think about how their words and actions impact each other.

Watch the video and pass it along to any girls in your life who might benefit. We all need to learn how to love one another, because before we learn how to honestly love one another we won't truly be able to love ourselves.

Kind Campaign » Documentary

Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby Ava Rae Heimer on the way...

My brother Josh & his lovely wife Lisa are expecting a tiny baby girl in May. 
Her name is Ava Rae. 
I can't wait to meet you little miss precious!

 And these are a few things she needs to get from her Auntie Lindsey...
 lace bloomers
 neutral booties and hat
 ruffle skirt
 mustard felt mary janes
tiny pink flower toms

Snowpocalypse 2012

It is safe to say that I do not know how to handle the snow. 
Here is what happened for the week of it. 

 Whitney and I went estate sale shopping. The best.
It started snowing AFTER we got there. Otherwise I would have never left the house. 
Yes, I did not grow up in the Northwest. Not even close.
This was the backyard of the first estate sale we went to. 
Very worth it except...
 someone hit my car and...
 didn't leave a note. Sad. But...
 I was buying this yellow jacket while my car was being hit. So, it was worth it. Then...
 I almost got stuck at work, but made it home safely to this beautiful apartment view and BOTH of my roommates. This rarely happens. So...
 We went for a walk in the winter wonderland (it was still a novelty)...
 and took lots of pictures...
 drank warm things...
 and threw a couple snowballs...
 and laughed...
and went on the swings. 
Then I was stuck at home for 3 days. Practically by myself. 
That's when...
I read The Hunger Games in one sitting. 
I would have read the next two books in the series except I was snowed in. 
There is not a bookstore in my apartment. Or near my apartment. 

All-in-all I got a much loved break and got pretty sick of myself. 
I finally busted my car out to join the Shavey's for a homecooked meal and socializing on Friday. 
The snow started on Saturday.
Today, there is snow lingering in gutters and under trees but mostly it is gone. And mostly I am happy about it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cloth Napkins- Use #1

I have an obsession with CLOTH NAPKINS. I think they are beautiful and very useful. For Christmas I used them as tissue paper. It's like an extra gift & environmentally friendly. I find them at thrift stores & estate sales & I even won some in a white elephant exchange. NEVER let a cloth napkin pass you by. Don't worry, I will be sharing more uses as I come across them.

My First Pottery Barn Purchase. I'm SO Grown Up.

My mom and dad got me a gift card to Pottery Barn for Christmas. I went and browsed through the store once. Then I flipped through the catalog marking pages of things I fell in love with. A day later, I looked over the marked pages. I chose this lovely cake stand (something every grown up who likes to host even a little bit needs). I am very excited to make my first cake to display on it. I kind of feel like I need to practice before hand. I can't just put ANY cake on there. It has to be beautiful to be worthy of this simply beautiful white cake stand. Thank you mom and dad!!!! You know me so well.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Roomies Christmas (Belated)

Meg, Melissa, and myself are all in love with MAC lipstick. 
Our Christmas present to each other was one new lipstick. 
We wanted it to be a vibrant one. 
One that made us step out of our comfort zones. 
Success happened. 

I love you ladies!