Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tour Guide. Part 1.

Jesse, my friend from High School, wanted to come & see what Seattle is all about. He called me up to see if it would work for me to show him around. I of course said yes & immediately found myself in a conundrum. I feel that I don't have much to show for my six years of living here. A fact I feel sad about quite a bit. I didn't want to fail him as a tour guide. And I especially didn't want to fail Seattle. It gets a ton of crap for being so rainy, but seriously it has a ton to offer. I wanted Jesse to see that more than anything. This is the main reason I gave up all hope of getting adequate sleep & kicked my coffee habit up a notch...or two. Jesse even partook of the coffee scene: every sip he took was followed by his face scrunching up. He doesn't like coffee, but he was a good sport. 

This is what happened. We went camera happy. 
 Jesse took pictures through the sunroof. I took this one of him because we were stopped, but he was not beyond taking pictures through the sunroof while the car was moving.
 We both took pictures of ourselves talking pictures.
 Can you see me in the mirror? Strolling Fremont.
This one is my favorite. A picture of me taking a picture of Jesse while he holds his camera @ 
The Seattle Art Museum Sculpture Park.

Posts will follow with all of our adventures. 
I am still getting the pictures organized & waiting for Jesse to send me all of his via snail mail.

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