Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Taming the Madness of March

So, maybe it has almost been a month since my last post. I promise I will do better. Cross my fingers, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. We will ignore the fact that I have a serious phobia of needles. I pass out. No joke. One time my dad even told me he'd buy me a puppy if I didn't faint. No puppy.

March has been very productive so far (especially in the area of flying by way too fast).
I had a minor case of OCD this month. So much so that my roommate coined the term "I OCDid this."
These cases usually come about when I have a million other things happening & I need some order. So, between making baby shower invites, planning the baby shower, helping with the Knox wedding, preparing for my friend Jesse to visit, and trying to complete my grad school application I OCDid some things. OCDoing some things tamed some of the madness that just so happened to fall in March.

Here are some things I OCDid:

Ironed & folded (to the same size) all tablecloths for the much anticipated Knox wedding

Made tags to make packing easier
I'm not currently going anywhere, but one day I will be
Pretty much you just hang your entire outfit for each day including undergarments & accessories behind the day you plan on wearing it. On a hanger of its own of course
This makes over packing almost impossible & mixing & matching second nature

Labeled sections in my closet
Not knowing what order to put things in has been driving me crazy. I finally fixed the problem by making cute labels from scrapbook paper & attaching them to wire hangers. Now when I put my clothes away I know where they go AND when I go to search for something to wear I know where to find it. Also, take note that all of my hangers match. White & plastic. One day I will have beautiful wooden hangers, but for now I have boring white ones. Life on a budget. What can I say? Each section is then organized by color. The order of the rainbow.

Ironed my pillowcases
Confession: I iron my pillowcases. I even starch them. There is just some magic that happens when I do this. In the words of my roommate Meg, "It makes my heart happy."

I am very excited to inform you that this post is the end of only iPhone photos. I love the convenience of the iPhone camera (I will still use it), but I do not love the quality always. That is why I was an Indian giver & took my camera back from my mom. I had let her borrow it while hers was being fixed. I just couldn't do it any longer. Jesse (one of my best friends from high school) came up this past weekend & he very nicely brought it up to me. Hello camera!!! How I missed you.

Expect crazy posts in the next week. Jesse was here for 5 days & we explored Seattle until it closed except for the day we went to Portland & Longview. I drank so much coffee that my skin hates me. I am most definitely dehydrated. It was nine thousand percent worth it. Here is a preview. And. Yes. Our futures are very bright. Thus the sunglasses in gloomy Seattle.

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