Saturday, February 25, 2012

Surprise Saturday Morning Snow & Gilmore Girls

I woke up this morning to snow.
Slushy snow.
Being from Southern California and never expereincing snow (except for Santa's Village and a very unfortunate camping trip) I get very anxious when white fluffyish stuff falls from the sky. 

It is gorgeous and gives a sense of innocence to the world, but it also messes with my life. I am quite the fan of no one and nothing determining how I spend my time. Selfish? Yes. Immature? Yes. Unrealistic? Yes. There is nothing like the snow to remind me of how not in control I am. 
I can either stomp around with an attitude about it or embrace it.
Today, there has been a change of plans.
I chose to stop and smell the snow,
make a cup of coffee (or 2 or 3 or 4), 
watch snow clips from Gilmore Girls. 

I will share them with you. 

The snow is gone now, but it was great incentive to watch Gilmore.
It isn't like I've seen them all five thousand times.
Actually, it's EXACTLY like that.
 This is how Melissa felt when she finished the last episode...
very very very very sad.

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