Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hearts Day

Here is the deal. I am single, but I LOVED Valentine's day this year. I spent it with the coolest chicks in the world (the actual world) and in TV world (current & past).

Alison Currier (who made crazy good brie, pear, carmelized onion bites), Colby Swicord (who brought pink champagne), and myself spent some time with (while doing our nails. of course!)...

Lorelei & Rory Gilmore
Jess (I don't know her last name)

This is embarrassing, but I have quite the attachment to the Gilmore Girls. I have only watched all 7 seasons in order about 5 times. When I'm having a bad day, I'd like to take a trip to Stars Hallow & grab a cup of coffee from Luke's over some witty banter. Because, just by going to Stars Hallow you get the super power of witty banter. I promise.

Then we have New Girl. It just makes me crack up. OUT LOUD. Even by myself. Every time. Just like FRIENDS (which is entirely a post in itself). Might I just suggest every household have a douchebag jar? You can call it whatever you want if that is a little too risque for you, but seriously it is the best idea ever. Unless you've never seen Gilmore Girls or New Girl. Then watching them is the best idea ever! Trust me!

Don't you want one????

Well, I just wanted to share that I was not sobbing into my pillow & stuffing my face with chocolate and feeling sorry for myself on, what some have come to call it, Single Awareness Day. I was pretty happy with my life Tuesday night. Thanks ladies!

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. I asked to work on V Day, but my boss gave me the day off, ugh! While I was tempted to listen to Adele all day while watching The Notebook, Dear John, and then The Vow all while going trough 5 gallons of Ben and Jerry's, I decided to just relax and have a normal day. So yah, my Tuesday was fine.
