Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reflection Two. Judges 16:1-31

This story about Samson is CRAZY! A woman asks him three different times what gives him his super natural strength. Three times he lies,  and three times she tries to turn him over to the Philistines. You would think that he would get the picture: this girl is trying to get him captured. He doesn't. The fourth time she asks him where his strength comes from he actually tells her that it is in his hair. What does she do? She cuts off his hair of course. The Philistines capture Samson, pay his lady friend for helping them, and he dies a blind slave (there was some torture that went on). 

I can't help but think he had some "blind" issues when it came to women even before the Philistines gouged his eyes out. Why else would he eventually give up his secret that took away the strength the Lord gave him? He succumbed to his flesh. To his sinful nature.

I can most definitely relate to this. I walk around "blind" all the time. My head fills itself with thoughts of what other people think of me, if society considers me successful, if that new fashion line would make me desirable. Talk about self-centeredness. What I forget is that my heart is full of what Christ thinks of me. He makes me worthy.

For today I want to help my heart along and not my head. That is why I'm here writing this now. Giving in to my flesh will lead to my death as well. If not physical then spiritual. I am powerless without the help of Christ. Thankfully I have him if I want him. I want him.

The Gum Wall, Post Alley, Pike Place Market, Seattle, Washington

"As we learn to acknowledge our powerlessness over our addictive/compulsive tendencies daily, we will become more aware of behaviors that will likely lead us to destruction."
- Life Recovery Bible, NLT

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