Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I HEART My Birthday Month

I love my birthday month. Not because I expect people to celebrate MY birthday the entire month, but because there is something special about the month my birthday falls in. February is a special month. It is filled with hearts and telling people you love them. Winter is coming to an end (hopefully), and spring is around the corner. I anticipate my birthday in a way I think my family did as February 1986 approached.
We all have a day that is ours. I am not crazy enough to think that nothing will go wrong and I will get my way with everything on my birthday, but I do think it is my own personal new year. Forget January 1st resolutions. I’m all about February 18th resolutions. That is when MY new year starts. AND February 1st is when I begin to think about it. The anticipation starts. I can’t help but feel special. I look forward to Valentine’s Day because it means my birthday is that much closer.
I must admit that I was DREADING turning 25. I did not believe all those people who said 25 was their best year ever. How could turning a quarter of a century be anything but awful? Thankfully I was wrong, and everyone else was right. As my 25th year comes to an end, I have a much more accurate picture of who I am and where I’m going. It took some work. A lot of choosing to face myself head on, but it has been worth every second. I plan to savor my last couple days of being 25. 
This is how my 25th year started...
My 26th year has a lot to live up to. I believe in it.
Happy birthday month to all those lovely people I share it with: Aunt Susan, Greg Shavey, Uncle Eddie, Uncle Tim, Shane Sanford,  & David Garrison.

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