Monday, February 6, 2012

Whit is a quater of a century

An opportunity to celebrate should never be overlooked. ESPECIALLY when you have the chance to celebrate the day of someone's birth...someone you love a lot.
Happy birthday Whitney!!!

Melissa, Kyle, and I surprised Whit & her family right when she woke up
This is what we did to celebrate...
drank coffee
trader joe's instant coffee (better than you would think), italian sweet cream creamer, chocolate covered espresso beans, and sugar, coffee bean, chocolate grinder sprinkles
ate heart shaped cinnamon rolls with teal frosting. white was just too boring
made bacon, eggs, and toast with heart shaped butter
and had chocolate quinoa breakfast bars
what would a day about Whit be without quinoa???
it wouldn't be
of course we used cloth napkins. they're the best thing ever
they make any moment fancy
hung bunting
a necessity for every celebration
made a birthday sash
lace and ribbon are just happy
 almost destroyed her cake with too many candles.
we almost had an avalanche.
sang happy birthday &
watched whit blow out her candles
all 25 of them
went to the Home & Garden show at the Tacoma dome.
we spent most of our time in the vintage section.

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